lördag 21 mars 2015

fashion week!!

I love to go shopping with my friends because we have exactly the same style, almost, so we help each other out. Sometimes we like different colors or have different sizes so we help one and other to find whatever we are searching for. I am not afraid to were what ever I want. Although I love shopping and styling myself I never run after the newest clothes or want something from a special brand. I instead search for the best quality for the lowest price, those two combined and I'm happy.

I have my own style, I don't copy anyone else and as I said, I do not have the latest brand new clothes. Instead I like to mash it all up and there comes my own style. I do have different styles at different moments I'm going through in my life. For example sometimes I like to wear all black. Sometimes I like to have flowers in my hair and be all summer-ish. Sometimes I like to look elegant and sometimes hipster styles are adorable. So it's all mashed up into one, kind of. 

My favorite item that I own right now is my leather jacket. It’s not made of real leather so no animals was killed in the process of making this jacket. It is black and has lovely details in the front, not too much though. I believe that too much decorations on the jacket makes it look more ”punky” and I want it more elegant-looking and simple. It matches with everything and it protects me from the cold. It's not too cold now with spring right around the corner but I live in Sweden and it is pretty cold here anyways, even on summer. Some lucky days it is warm, otherwise it is cold. I also freeze easily so maybe thats why. Even though the weather here isn't the best I still like it. I can't deal with boiling heat and the sweat on my skin. I would neither like instant cold. In Sweden we have all of the seasons, but colder, but it is okay. I like the fresh air here and the cold days either way. 

I am about to buy a new dress, witch one is your favorit? 
You can choose by the alternatives that I will show you below and you press your choice on the right side, up there.

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